18 months – 36 months

Stepping Stones Early Learning Center’s toddler classrooms are designed to provide stimulating experiences for the children where they can learn through their own inquisitiveness. The emphasis at our childcare center during the toddler years is on building self-confidence and fostering the natural curiosity that toddlers possess. Throughout the day toddlers enjoy the large variety of play materials that are readily made available to them, as well as creative centers where children can dress-up, build with blocks, and experiment in the sensory table. Art, music, language and science activities geared to little hands are also introduced at our daycare.
Toilet Training
Toilet training is an important milestone for toddlers and young preschoolers. However, as with any learning experience, this process should be as developmentally individual as each child. There is no right age that a child should be completely toilet trained. Therefore, Stepping Stones daycare does not require children to be toilet trained prior to childcare enrollment. When your child shows signs of being physically, cognitively, and emotionally ready to begin the toilet training process; we ask that you begin the training at home, preferably over a week-end or holiday. We can then discuss a plan to coordinate similar efforts and methods while your child is in our care. Team work and daily communication will provide the consistency necessary for effective results. Detailed toilet training procedures and policies are available from the preschool office upon request.
*Children must be completely toilet trained prior to enrollment in the Preschool classroom, those who are not will remain in the Toddler 2 classroom until toilet training is complete.