Miss Jordan

My name is Miss Jordan and I am the Head Toddler Teacher at Stepping Stones Early Learning Center. I started in April 2015. I love working with children because I feel as though they teach me as much as I do them. No one child is the same and the reactions that you get every time they learn something new is worth every challenging moment that comes along with this profession. The best part of working here is knowing that I have made a difference in these children lives, this is why I love what I do. Every hug, tear, and effort I put into my job is worth everything. I have lived in Greene, Maine my entire life and attended Leavitt Area High School and then went on to Kaplan University, where I received my B.A. in Early Childhood.
My husband, Justin and I have a 7-year-old son, Hunter and a 1-year-old son, Kason who are our world. We have 2 dogs, Remington and Triton, a cat, Dixie, 2 goats, Pherb and Tig, 7 pigs, and 10 chickens. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family up North at our camp, 4-wheeling, snowmobiling, and going to car and dirt bike races.